Wednesday, May 30, 2007


i did not go to sch today. as there is onli one lesson today, which is pas, an the lecturer is AH SAN(skinny). kind of boring , so did'nt intend to go. as for eunice, march and hidayah, they got their prac test today, thats why there is no nsl. soon after i got up, i went to doggypaw and meet yunqi, then get my o level cert.

i am reali confused, whether i should get the sponsorship anot. it may be a good thing as they give u money, but i can't fail within this 3 yrs. and if i reali fail, i may need to pay back the money that they gave mi. how?

i am having my test next week, but i have not prepare yet.. i think i have to burn midnight oil this weekend!

liking someone is not the matter of money. its not the matter of looks. its not the matter of money. its not the matter size. its not the matter of attitude. its the matter of heart and courage! onli if u love each other with heart then u we call it love. onli u have the courage to tell him/her I LOVE U then u will see the future. although sometimes u do quarrel with him, but u still think that he is worth for u. although sometimes he did not meet ur expectation but u would still know at least he did his best. although sometimes he hurts ur heart but he did'nt meant it. do u ever thought of how he felt? did u ever stand in his shoes? i doupt so because i did not stand in my hubby shoes before too. i wan to tell ppl in love or still single to treasure ur love one if u have or treasure the TIME if u dont have one. u are not always going to remain as 18and don't regret if the one u like, likes another peoson! and also i am sorry ling ling. but i can't promise u that i will not throw my tantrum at u again. but i will promise u that will always love okay! muacks.

1 comment:

YunQi said...

thanks. but i still need time =X