Saturday, May 26, 2007


yoyo.. i went out with my darling today. and guess where we went? its sakae terpanyaki! its veri nice but i still think that its abit ex. Anyway,got to tell u yunqi, sorry for wat i had done, i did'nt meant it. But u need to know this, i reali wish to know the things the things that u wan to tell mi , but the thing is when i ask u, u say half way and u will say" haya, don't say already la, i pai sey" . i felt pissed that time when u do this. i will definately listen if u wan to tell mi. and another is that rem the first time u tell mi u are attached? i reali believed that, than end up wat? u said ur bf is --. i was like"duh", than of course the following time i won't believe u wat. i reali did'nt mean not to listen to u ytd, as in, if u reali reali wan to tell mi something than just say, u don't have to be shy with mi wat. aniway wat ever in u i also see already wat. opps!hahas. this is wat i feel, and i know we did not go out for a long time, but i reali can't do anithing, because my schdule and urs is totally diff. but like wat i promise u, i will go out with u next next week okay? just don't keep thinking that we had drifted away. i know its true but i will try to maintain as how we were use to be okay.
hey eunice that ppl haven send that thingy ley, i think because weekend la, than she having off. hahas. tell u asap.

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