Wednesday, May 23, 2007

no lo

hey mak mak, i love u alot alot alot okay.. but not more than my darling. hahas. miss being with u, so how u wan to go out with mi on fri ont? i already planned to go out with u ley. to update u all, i went for my in hep b today! is damn pain!i shouted so loud until the doc say"i am sorry". hahas, than i laugh out. after that he wanted to put on a plaster for mi but the plaster sticked on his gloves. hahas. he take so long to take another plaster, so i ended up saying"it okay, i think i don't need it." hahas, my next jap will be one month after today, so fast. today was alright, had a good slp yesterday. today no photos to show u all, i can't possible the photo when i am taking the jap right. hahas.. okay la... end here.. nitex..

1 comment:

YunQi said...

friday? eh.. go where? im VERY budget now. LOL. goooo EAST POINT? LOL!