Monday, May 28, 2007

prac test today. is a day filled with nervousness and excitment.hahas. i took my nsl prac test today, and u know wat? before i went in i pray that my invigilator is not the western teacher, and donno whether today is my day not, got so many teacher around but my invigilator is reali him. omg! nvm , i thought that it would be the same so i just went in for my test. BUT the thing is, i can't understand wat he is saying. so the questions he ask mi i just anyhow ans. hahas. than he like so angry of my ans. my question was to assist patient with weak limbs to the chair and let him sit there for half and hour. and sfter that wash hands. the whole process was okay, but i forgot one of the steps for handwashing but he still can say "ur handwashing was okay" so i end up getting a B. lucky i did not fail.hahas. any way all the best to eunice, march, hidayah, zara and fiona for tml and wed. hahas. but hor, i going to be alone already lo.. u all always like that one, i think u all have to change ur register number la. hahas.
i am also planning to go malaysia during my holidays. but just a short trip, i think will be onli one day. tried* going to slp. bye..

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