Friday, June 1, 2007

i love my hubby!

ytd went to bugis with my honey and he bought mi a bag! hahas. i actually past by weide's shop and then saw the converse bag, i love it lots but its expensive so i walk off to consider. and my sweet sweet honey told mi that he want to go to the toilet, so i say i wait for him at the seat there. after quite a while he came back with the bag. hahas. i was rather surprise because i know he won't do something like that. any way i love u ling.. heex.

back to today, everything was the same but i reali wish to comment on some ppl. today at 4, we went to CA briefing, and p17 is suppose to together with us. so we just took chairs and then sit down. but soon after the briefing finished, its like a typhoon p17 just left. and they did not even keep the chairs! they expect the marias which is us to keep for them? outrages! although they are like 17 or 18 but they are just like kids, don't know how to think. somethimes i feel that ppl will reali grow mature at a certain age, but ithink i am wrong.

next week we are having our test already, i think most of the sch have the test at the same time ya? wish all my frens all the best! work hard!

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