Thursday, June 28, 2007

exciting,tired,exausted and sad...

Hey hey, long time nv blog since last week. Many things happened this week, i went for my attachment since mon and i reali learn alot of things, touch alot of things, hear alot of things, see alot of things and smell alot of things too. pls be prepared, because i know i am going to write alot.

on mon i went to st andrew com hospital, it is a step down hospital for patient, wat i meant by step down, it means that patient go there for rehabitiltation, go there to rest after operation, stay there when their caregiver is not able to takecare of them at home and this place is most probably fo elderly. And this is also the first time i reali use wat i learn there, i change diapers for patient, and u know wat? when we actually practice this in class everybody will laugh here and there, but when u reali do it, u will find urselve veri professional. i was reali both panic and happi when the nurse ask mi to clean the patient's private part as this is my first time doing it, but that staff nurse ask mi to be confident , and finally i did it! i reali get along with the nurse there, they teach us how to do everything that they are doing, except the paper work, its too confusing.

on the second day at st andrew, i met patients in the physio therapy. this particular patients is the most brave and encouraging patient i ever see. he had his both legs amputated due to diabetes, and also one of the eye is blind also due to diabetes. the first thing we went in the therapist as us to talk to him, and sadly there are onli two chinses among the group , and one of them is mi. so i sat beside him and started to talk to him, he told mi how he got into this state, and of couse most of the ppl have the same prob, they nv think of the consequence before doing things, he used to be a heavy smoker and drinker, and he also owned a company but 5 years back he contracted diabetes that slowly changed his live. he has a son whom is onli 12 yrs old. and his wife have to support him. i reali feel veri sad when talking to him, in ou conversation he taught mi wat live is.

on the third day i went to hpb(heath promotion board) which i don't wish to elaborate as there is nth to say.

And the forth day, which is today! i am super ultra angry and i think i will be going to complain this day care center after i leave. tell mi wat do u understand by attachment? to learn things that u can't learn in class because its all prac.but today i found out that i am wrong, my classmates and i are suppose to be maid over there. basically i can tell u that i did not learnt anithing there.the worst thing is that i pity the elderly over there, they are not even treated like a human being. i am going to take video of how the elderly is being treated and i will post it to the mediacorp. i want the family members to see how they are being treated! i reali can't wait to see that witch to grow old.i hope she will have her retribution.
by the way, miss mak, i am going to tampines polt clinic next week, want to go out on fri ? at around 4.30? ley mi know hor.. so long nv see u i miss u ley.. hahas.
oh ya, ytd i went to jumbo for dinner with my parent in laws. opps . actually not yet la. hahas. my ling treat his parents dinner, so quai ar. and he othered my favourite chilli crab! but so little i onli manage to eat 2 piece. i wan more!! love u ling so much so much!muacks! and miss eunice i think u forgot to put my big name on ur blog !!!!!! hahas.

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