Tuesday, July 3, 2007


after days in tampines poly clinic i got worn out by the boringness of just observating. and today was reali pure observation, at least ytd i still got to do some paper work and touch touch some things, althought there is still alot of observation but at least the things i see is more interesting, today? fro whole 4 hours i was like looking at the staff nurses doing injections for the babies, and there isn't even ani paper work for mi to do, or even throw rubbish because now and then the cleaner will come in and snatch the rubbish away from mi!! my goodness. althought it is boring, i did some notes to help in my project in the next 2 weeks. hahas, veri quai is it? should be thinking " this jasmine so lazy also will do notes ar?" EH, i pass my fon and aap hor! hahas, no la, its just too boring.

next week sch reopen!! don't know whether to be happi or sad, happi because i can see my frens and can stop the boringness in poly clinic, sad is that have to go back to sch already. time reali flies, another 5 more week will be my 1st sem exam, fast right? i think i have to start to study already, i don't wan to fail my mic again!

miss mak going to macau ar? veri interesting ar? hahas. but u promise to go out with mi one ley! when to make up? i like veri long nv see u already. pls make some time for mi . thx. hahas.
eunice i also have alot of things to tell u, but mean while don't be sad for not seeing mi! opps:X hahas.
march, can u tell mi wat have u been doing during CT that can make u score good results ? hahas, did u eat something special? hahas..nth to say already, until i compound more for my tour to tmpolyclinic than i blog. bb..

1 comment:

March said...

HAHAHHAHA! that's damn funny la!
hmm, follow me and eat dark chocolates! they're yummayeeee!lol! anyways, i dread CA and i'm looking forward to school! cos i cant wait to see u! :DD