Thursday, July 5, 2007

wat a boring live i am having..

I am reali ahving a boring live for the whole month, ever since holiday starts. from the start of the holiday i was like wandering around already, everyday i like go to pet shop, go out with yunqi, go out with eunice,go out with my darling. eh, after listing out the things actually ok la, nit reali nth to do, just that no aim for the whole holiday. then for the attachment, its like a 9-5 job everyday, doing the same thing everyday, wat i can do is use more of my eyes than my hand cannot blame the ppl la, how can they ask a 1st year student nurse to do procedure.

after observing the live in poly clinic, i think i will onli go there and work when i grow old, working there now will onli make u age faster. hahas, the pacing there is reali slow, i don't think i can fit the environment like that. super happi that tml is fri and its also the last day of attachment and i can go back to sch next week!! hahas, although it is also not fun, but at least better than the live in the clinic settings. i think hospital settings would be more fun. i reali look forward into the attachment in sept. i reali miss slping late and waking up late in the week days...

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