Tuesday, July 17, 2007


(top) this is the younger sister..
she is the elder sis!! they look alike ar?
but which is prettier?

isn't she cute?

from here u can see they are sisters!! (the top and bottom one)

yippy!!!!!! fun!!!!

sorry for not blogging for so long. reali veri busy since last week, eversince sch reopen. yaya, suppose to tell u more abt the birthday party thingy. hahas. it was so damn fun la, i get to gather with my dear dear 5a ppl, but onli 3 la. hahas.. better than nth la. how fun is it? just look at the photos we took lo.

something happened ytd, yun qi grandmother was admitted into hospital, and she in unconscious until this morning, she woke up!! hahas!! congrats ah ma. yun qi was so damn worry la, but thank god( yun qi's favourite) she is alright now. and miss mak, u some how forgot to put my name u know? hahas. nvm la.

oh ya, for got to talk abt sat, i went to escape with supei and ling ling. hahas, it is so fun. i got to play the two sitter go kart, and got to fetch them. and we also played the water boat thingy( forgot wat is the name la) and darling said that my voice is so horrible when i scream la. those girls they scream u can hear the pitch is so high, but until my turn..... u all know la. hahas. in the night, we went to watch harry potter!!! feel excited before going in, after watching i felt disappointed. it is so********, can't comment her la, later kena sue.

any way i brought sammie home, which is my dog's sister, hmm , of course she is also a dog la.. hahas.. show u guys the photos..

i look forward to thurs too eunice!!! hahas.. going to far east.. yeah!

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