Wednesday, June 20, 2007

great holidays...

colours gave birth ytd ! the pups are cute. this my first time helping dogs in the giving birth process without any body helping mi, that feeling is reali good, as though a reali baby falls on my hand. hahas. their little paws, face and nose reali make mi feel so excited.the funniest part is that i and yun qi sitting beside colourless, kept shouting" push colourless,push!" hahas. this is the first time making mi feel that i am a nurse. hahas. although this is onli a dog, but it is still a live, and the first thing they came out they also cry like wat babies do. this is reali veri experiencing. and my little colourless which is the mother of the pupd, gave birth to 3 pups , well done colourless.
today my ling ling and i went to ps, i reali don't know whether wan to buy the fabric paint and do my own shoes not, although my art reali not that good but i think i will be using the don't know wat thing la, u just paint on the thingy and the shape u wan will be painted on to the shoes. but that thing also not cheap and i also don't know whether i got time anot. forget it la!
tml will be bringing my doggies for a swim, but yun qi can't join mi :( nvm, i will take photo for u to see okay. hahas. next time we shall go together okay?

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